Warmachine: MKIV is here! The latest version debuts with two Core Army Starters to introduce veteran players and new recruits to the world of Warmachine/Hordes with updated rules and never-before-seen models that expand the tabletop game in new, exciting directions. Just in time for the release of this new version, Privateer Press is offering a free demo kit with the purchase of four Core Army Starters so stores can demo MKIV!
Orgoth Sea Raiders Core Army Starter
The most ancient enemy of the Iron Kingdoms has returned: the Orgoth Sea Raiders! This Core Army Starter includes all the models a player needs to play a 50-point game of Warmachine. The set contains the savage battlegroup-focused warcaster, Kishtaar, the Howling Silence, two customizable warjacks (each with a suite of weapon and head options), two light infantry units with a command attachment for each, an Ulkor Barrager heavy infantry unit, a Warwitch Coven support unit, and an Orgoth Commander solo. With the return of the ancient invaders the Orgoth to the Warmachine setting, this release offers players their first chance to play a never-before-seen faction!
- 1 Kishtaar, the Howling Silence Warcaster
- 1 Jackal Light Warjack (4× Head 8× Arm/Weapon options)
- 1 Tyrant Heavy Warjack (4× Head 8× Arm/Weapon options)
- 1 Assault Reavers Unit (5 models)
- 1 Strike Reavers Unit (5 models)
- 2 Reaver Standard Bearer
- 1 Ulkor Barrager Unit (3 models)
- Warwitch Coven Unit (3 models)
- 1 Orgoth Commander Solo
Cygnar Storm Legion Core Army Starter
Unleash the power of the elements with the Cygnar Storm Legion! This Core Army Starter includes all the models a player needs to play a 50-point game of Warmachine. The set contains the potent battlegroup-focused warcaster, Captain Athena di Baro, two customizable warjacks (each with a suite of weapon and head options), two light infantry units with a command attachment for each, a Tempest Thunderers heavy infantry unit, an Arcane Mechaniks support unit, and a Legionnaire Officer solo. Experience the next generation of warfare in the Iron Kingdoms with Cygnar’s most technologically advanced force yet!
- 1 Captain Athena di Baro Warcaster
- 1 Courser Light Warjack (4× Head, 8× Arm/Weapon options)
- 1 Stryker Heavy Warjack (4× Head 8× Arm/Weapon options)
- 1 Stormblade Legionnaires Unit (5 models)
- 1 Stormguard Legionnaires Unit (5 models)
- 2 Legionnaire Standard Bearer
- 1 Tempest Thunderers Unit (3 models)
- 1 Arcane Mechaniks Unit (3 models)
- 1 Legionnaire Officer Solo
Starter Magnet Pack
The Starter Magnet Pack contains 20 × 2/16˝ disc magnets and 20 × 1/8˝ disc magnets, enough to provide all the magnets needed to magnetize the heads and arms of both warjacks in any MKIV Starter. Magnets are provided in child-resistant plastic containers.

Warmachine, MKIV: Starter Magnet Pack
Publisher: Privateer Press
Item Code: PIP21190
MSRP: $6.99
Releases October 28, 2022
MKIV Launch Kit
Retailers, this release is just for you! Privateer Press has packaged two of each of the new Core Army Starters plus a MKIV demo kit for FREE to help you entice and welcome both new and returning players into the world of Warmachine! Core Army Starters contain complete 50-point armies so players can start battling as soon as they download the free Warmachine app, available in Beta in October. The free demo kit contains two battlegroups, perfect for introducing new players to the game as well as giving them a chance to inspect the models and warjack customization options. Printable demo rules and cards can be downloaded at privateerpress.com/warmachine-mkiv/ in October.

Warmachine, MKIV: Launch Kit – Orgoth Sea Raiders and Cygnar Storm Legion Core Army Starters
Publisher: Privateer Press
Item Code: PIP21116
MSRP: $799.92
Releases October 28, 2022
- 2 Orgoth Sea Raiders Core Army Starters (PIP22000)
- 2 Cygnar Storm Legion Core Army Starters (PIP21000)4 Starter Magnet Packs (PIP21190)
- 1 FREE MKIV Demo Kit (over $180 in FREE models)
- ORGOTH SEA RAIDERS: Kishtaar, the Howling Silence (PIP22006), Tyrant Heavy Warjack (PIP22004), Jackal Light Warjack (PIP22005)
- CYGNAR STORM LEGION: Captain Athena di Baro (PIP21006), Stryker Heavy Warjack (PIP21004), Courser Light Warjack (PIP21005).
- 4 Head options, 4 left arm options, and 4 right arm options are included for all warjacks (Tyrant, Jackal, Stryker, and Courser)
- 2 Starter Magnet Packs (PIP21190) for customizing warjacks