The Soul Masters setting is a fantasy world where factions fight over territories in order to establish their respective nations’ power and dominance. Take control of a Commander’s army, and engage other players to see who prevails!
Soul Masters are tremendously powerful battle mages. They are the Commanders of your army and the leaders of your battle groups. They are both furious and deadly in terms of combat and spellcasting. Soul energy is used to power spells and abilities. The Commanders’ connection to soul energy is what makes them a force to be reckoned with.
This is a 1st Edition limited set, based on the Soul Masters universe characters. Each box includes 24 Booster packs and 1 Awakenings box topper. Each booster includes 10 random standard playing cards and 1 random holo card, and each may include a special alternate-art card.
Preconstructed Decks
Code | Description | MSRP |
SMG1005 | Soul Master TCG: Commander Deck- Lamia Avicci, 1st Edition | $40.00 |
SMG1006 | Soul Master TCG: Commander Deck- Lamia Avicci-Chibi, 1st Edition | $40.00 |
SMG2001 | Soul Master TCG: Awakenings Collector Set 1- Starter Deck- Athena / Keshi | $200.00 |
SMGSD001 | Soul Master TCG: Starter Deck- Athena, 1st Edition | $25.00 |
SMGSD001CHIBI | Soul Master TCG: Starter Deck- Athena-Chibi, 1st Edition | $25.00 |
SMGSD002 | Soul Master TCG: Starter Deck- Keshi, 1st Edition | $25.00 |
SMGSD002CHIBI | Soul Master TCG: Starter Deck- Keshi-Chibi, 1st Edition | $25.00 |
Special Collections
Code | Description | MSRP |
SMG2002 | Soul Master TCG: Special Friendship Bundle- Satin Ravenheart, Collector Edition | $60.00 |
SMGASJC001 | Soul Master TCG: Artist Signature Art Series 1- Jcoll, Limited | $60.00 |
SMGASJC002 | Soul Master TCG: Artist Signature Art Series 2- Jcoll, Limited | $60.00 |
SMGASMB001 | Soul Master TCG: Artist Signature Art Series 3- MidniteBlue | $60.00 |
SMGASPB001 | Soul Master TCG: Artist Signature Art Series 4- Porce | $60.00 |
SMGASZP001 | Soul Master TCG: Artist Signature Art Series 5- Zipsaw | $60.00 |
SMGCS01002 | Soul Master TCG: Collector Set- 4th of July Vulcania Homusubi, Limited | $25.00 |
SMGHSMB001 | Soul Master TCG: Special Signature Art Series- Halloween | $60.00 |
Code | Description | MSRP |
SMG7001 | Soul Master TCG: Gridded Playmat /w Bag- Athena Stormkal | $30.00 |
SMG7002 | Soul Master TCG: Gridded Playmat /w Bag- Keshi Savageclaw | $30.00 |
SMG7003 | Soul Master TCG: Gridded Playmat /w Bag- Ragnar Silvermoon | $30.00 |
SMG7004 | Soul Master TCG: Gridded Playmat /w Bag- Satin Ravenheart | $30.00 |
SMG7005 | Soul Master TCG: Gridded Playmat /w Bag- Vulcania Homusubi | $30.00 |
SMG7007 | Soul Master TCG: Playmat /w Bag- Athena Stormkal | $30.00 |
SMG7008 | Soul Master TCG: Playmat /w Bag- Keshi Savageclaw | $30.00 |
SMG7009 | Soul Master TCG: Playmat /w Bag- Ragnar Silvermoon | $30.00 |
SMG7010 | Soul Master TCG: Playmat /w Bag- Satin Ravenheart | $30.00 |
SMG7011 | Soul Master TCG: Playmat /w Bag- Vulcania Homusubi | $30.00 |
SMG7012 | Soul Master TCG: Playmat /w Bag- Lamia Avicci | $30.00 |
SMG7013 | Soul Master TCG: Binder: 18-Pocket- Athena Stormkal / Keshi Savageclaw | $50.00 |
SMG7014 | Soul Master TCG: Binder: 18-Pocket- Satin Ravenheart / Vulcania Homusubi | $50.00 |
SMGTDB00101 | Soul Master TCG: Deck Box 160+ Art Series- Athena Stormkal | $50.00 |
SMGTDB00102 | Soul Master TCG: Deck Box 160+ Art Series- Keshi Savageclaw | $50.00 |
SMGTDB00103 | Soul Master TCG: Deck Box 160+ Art Series- Satin Ravenheart | $50.00 |
SMGTDB00104 | Soul Master TCG: Deck Box 160+ Art Series- Vulcania Homusubi | $50.00 |